Climate on the Geologic Time Scale

Remember as you examine the Geologic Time Scale. You were told as a Mason  that through Astronomy you learn the systems of the world and the preliminary laws of nature.  You also learned that by Geometry, the Astronomer is able to set the times and seasons years and cycles.  Similarly, as a Mason, you are encouraged to study geography.

The Biblical Time Scale

Up until the time of his death in 1727, Sir Isaac Newton believed the universe began about 4,000 BCE. We use that calculation  in setting the Masonic date for this year as 6020 AL (Anno Lucis).  That calculation was based on a careful analysis of the Bible. It was consistent with several other studies by other Bible scholars.

Nicholas Steno’s importance

However, by 1669, at the age of 30. Nicholas Steno had laid the groundwork for understanding a geologic time scale that could not be fit into that roughly 5,600 year framework.  He was trained as a physician and anatomist. And he become an important scientist of the Enlightenment.  He was noted for his work on the geometry of crystals, and also the true nature of fossils .  He observed that the lowest layers of rock were also the oldest and did not have fossils.  These observations were contrary to the generally held belief that fossils dropped from the sky and mountains grew in a manner similar to trees.  Your understanding of an earth that is billions of years old, owes much to him and those who built on his observations.

He abandoned science in 1667 when he became a Roman Catholic, taking holy orders in 1675 and was made a bishop in 1677.  His groundbreaking work Prodromus was published  two years later in 1669, but the larger work it presumably was be an introduction for, was never completed.  Unfortunately he did no further scientific work.  He died in 1686.  (Note: the link is to a PDF file and you may have to examine your PDF downloads to see the file).

Climate and Life over The Geologic Time Scale

The first  video is on Steno’s life. The second video reviews the Geologic Time Scale told in the layers of the earth’s crust. The third video reviews the world’s largest collection of ocean floor corings,  These are being used to study that important “system of the world” known as “Climate” and how it has changed over that Geologic Time Scale.

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